Christmas shopping in Parndorf
Looking for gift inspiration? In Pandorf you have over 140 designer stores to choose from.
Looking for gift inspiration? In Pandorf you have over 140 designer stores to choose from.
The Christmas market in Bratislava has a long tradition and is a great place for people getting together.
Uber is in Bratislava and 474 other cities worldwide. From start to finish, a ride you can trust.
If you don't know where to go with children here is a bit of inspiration.
Make the most of your time in Bratislava. Use great tips to find top attractions, things to do and restaurants in the city.
Plan your trip to Bratislava with useful travel information.
Doesn't matter if you are on a business trip or on holiday. You deserve a little treat. We all need some me time sometimes.
Working while traveling may be challenging sometimes. Especially if you don't know your new place very well. In currently almost every single cafe has a WiFi, but it doesn't necessarily means that is a good place for a work. Here are some good cafes we like to work.
Bratislava is one of the youngest Capitals of the world. There is so much you can do. Bored of conventional sightseeing tours? It's an experience you will never forget and we know the best ones:)!
Book your perfect serviced apartment is easier than you think. You can choose a location which suits to you. Every apartment has a different price. Depends on your budget and on your needs.